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Okay but seriously, someone find Lewis and I a job in Hawaii so we can move!! I will never be able to explain how much fun this trip was. Usually when we come back from a trip we feel relaxed, but a little tired from travel. After coming home from Hawaii Lewis and I feel recharged, […]





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Okay but seriously, someone find Lewis and I a job in Hawaii so we can move!! I will never be able to explain how much fun this trip was. Usually when we come back from a trip we feel relaxed, but a little tired from travel. After coming home from Hawaii Lewis and I feel recharged, […]

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The boys have had the best time teasing me lately about being the only “girl” in the house. Today London told me “Mommy, I still love you even though you’re a girl. I’m a boy & we’re big and stroooong!” I let him have that one because he’s cute. But because girls really do rule, I […]

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I am still on a high from this past weekend in London. It was Lew + I’s first time there and we absolutely loved everything we experienced! We stayed right by Big Ben and rode around on a hop on hop off bus tour to get where we wanted all 3 days. I have to […]

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Wednesday we were 6 days past the due date and had a scheduled appointment to induce labor at 6pm. As typical of a Lampley, London has a mind of his own and decided after making us all wait an extra week, that being forced out by medicine was NOT what he wanted.At around 8:01am my water broke! […]

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