
Sarah Lampley

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September 23, 2020

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Leo’s Birth Story

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There are no adequate words to describe what meeting your child for the first time is like. But here’s a short summary of one of the best days of my life:

Before it all started:

I spent most of the day frantically organizing our house (for the hundredth time that week) while Lewis worked from home. My mom was in town cooking three-months worth of meals for post-baby and helping us with Jordan + London. I remember praying for peace to overcome some of the anxiety I was feeling. London’s birth was long, but amazing–and I had no idea what to expect this time around. After a nice dinner with family on Thursday and a calm evening, I started having braxton hicks contractions while Lew and I watched Game of Thrones. Then right in the middle of the Red Wedding episode I turned off the TV and told Lew it was time to go! (if you’ve seen or heard of this episode then you KNOW it was serious). haha! We were at the hospital for a few hours before they sent us back home because I wasn’t in labor just yet. We crawled into bed close to 2 am. 

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Looking back Lew and I probably should have stayed in the parking lot. At 5 am the craziest contraction woke me up. 23-month old London was also awake and wanted me to walk with him to the bathroom. My contractions were just a few minutes apart and my patience was thin. I remember thinking London was taking a little too long to pee. When he was done I took him into our bedroom and laid him next to Lewis. Lew claims my voice was “sort of deep” when I told him to get up and hurry because we needed to leave NOW. lol! I took a quick shower only to sweat profusely in the truck a few minutes later while we drove to the hospital. I told Lew the air conditioning was making my contractions worse and made him drive in 98-degree July Georgia heat without it. I also promised him that if he went over ONE more bump before we arrived he would most definitely regret it. 🙂 Bless him. He remained patient and calm through my crazy. 

Fast forward to the delivery room. I requested an epidural as soon as we arrived and felt much better after I got it! I was 8 cm dilated and we all thought for sure Leo would arrive well before lunch time. He didn’t. Hours went by and I chatted it up with our nurse while Lew sat by my side and kept family updated. 


Much like his personality today, Leo surprised us all with his timing. Those last 2 cm took over 10 hours. Just when our nurse (who’s now my best friend–I’ll save that story for another post ️) was about to leave, I felt a ton of pressure and we knew it was time. A few minutes + four good pushes later and Leo was here! They held him up and his first little wail filled my entire body with uncontrollable joy. Lewis and I locked eyes + had a moment of complete gratitude. When they placed Leo on my chest it felt like he was always meant to be. I remember thinking of Psalm 139:

“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”

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Leo’s name was chosen out of prayer & compromise. Lewis’ only choice was Leonidas (a warrior king of Sparta and character from the movie 300). And there was no changing his mind! BUT God! 🙌 Two years later and we can see so clearly God’s loving hand in ultimately deciding Leo’s name. Our little lion, who not only has the mane of this amazing creature, but also embodies similar characteristics of boldness, strength, diligence, leadership and determination. Our prayer for him is that he will always walk with stately stride and never turns away from what is true, honorable and praiseworthy.  

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Thank you for all the birthday wishes for him today. We appreciate all the outpouring love for our boy!

Enjoy the rest of what this week has to offer. Love y’all.



Fresh 48 photography by the talented Kirsten Lee Photography

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