
Sarah Lampley

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March 23, 2021

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Living for the Little Things

This post is sponsored by Ivory, but the content & opinions expressed here are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that help make this blog possible!

A wise woman once told me to always live for the little things in life. I’m not sure I fully grasped what this meant until I became a mom. So much of motherhood is noticing small signs and fine details–many of which I missed in the past being the crazy-busy, do it all, race from one moment to the next kind of person. 

As soon as I let go of the desire to do it all I realized that while I was busy making sure I didn’t miss a thing, I was missing the most important things. 


5 things we miss out on in motherhood when we are too busy being busy:

1. Connection

Our busyness can keep us from opportunities to connect with our kids. Have you ever caught yourself telling them “just one second” or “i’ll come play with you in a few more minutes” knowing it will take much longer? I sure have! I’ve been making an effort to be 100% present with them after school. By being better organized with meal prep and deadlines + scheduling other obligations during more appropriate hours, it has given me additional time to truly connect with the boys. 

2. Rest

So many of us have bought into the lie that to be a good mom, you should be an exhausted one–rarely enough time to rest because you’re too busy meeting the needs of the family. While I believe there will sometimes be seasons of exhaustion in motherhood, it shouldn’t be the norm. Rest is essential so that we can replenish our spirits in order to better nurture our babes and loved ones. I put a 10pm alarm on my phone to remind myself to go to bed. It doesn’t always work, but it’s definitely helped keep me more accountable!

3. Beauty

Slowing down our lives allows the time and space to see all the beauty around us. The boys have taught me so much lately from looking at the world through their unhurried eyes. From the way the light changes in our during the day while the boys play to the sounds of their beautiful laughter, there is so much I’d been taking for granted. Take a moment, slow down and find something to appreciate that you have not been paying attention to. 

4. Love

You may be the most thoughtful, caring + loving mama in the world, but if you are always so busy you could miss out on those tiny moments of love. Create time and space to share more of your love–it’s the most precious gift you can give! 🖤

5. Simple Pleasures

In our crazy busy and over stimulating world it’s easy to overlook the simple pleasures that bring us the greatest joy. When I think of simple pleasures, I think of all the little things I enjoy that don’t cost a thing or are very inexpensive. Recently, I switched our family’s bath products to Ivory and something about the familiar, clean scent instantly sends a rush of happy memories that help me relax. I love how the Ivory Free & Gentle Body Wash cleanses and nourishes the skin with it’s #1 Dermatologist-Recommended moisturizing ingredients. I also love how making time to enjoy something as simple as this pure soap with my kids can boost happiness. 


(Find more information about Ivory HERE).

Cheers to slowing down to live for the little things in life, no matter how small. Xoxo.

🖤 Sarah 


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